Yearbook Cover

Special Thanks to Tess (Teresa Almond)

For providing the Yearbook

Inside the Cover (double click for full size)

Songtastic Jukemeister

Click Jukemeister to select a popular song from your era. Will open separate window.
Minimize and listen while you browse your yearbook(s). Only have to open this once per site visit.
Can maximize window to select another song then minimize again.

To Browse Yearbook, use the chapter links at top of page to find a section and/or scroll up/down on right.

Zaragoza 79 Toroscope - Zaragoza H.S. - Zaragoza A.B. Spain

Zaragoza 79 Toroscope - Zaragoza H.S. - Zaragoza A.B. Spain

Those who light the torch...

Those who commence life's work...

Those who keep on striving...

Those who still aspire...

Those who stay physically fit...

Those who are contributing...

Those who gave us their support...