Class of 1978
Welcome to Zaragoza High School (Zaragoza Air Base, Spain) Yearbooks !
Use menu on left to select Yearbook. You can double click the "Inside the Cover" to see
a full size version of the image(s) or color(s) from the yearbook's inside cover(s) (some,
both front AND back). Depending on the year, you may be able to read signatures and
messages on these. This opens in a separate window so just close it when you are done.
The top menu will provide shortcuts to the first page of the listed chapters or
sections of the yearbook for those who dont want to scroll through all pages to get to
a specific section. Use the scrollbars on the sides to select specific yearbook or to
move through selected yearbook and/or view additional pages after short-cutting to a
specific section.
There is an interactive online alumni directory available HERE !. Register, confirm registration and enter your data, then you will have access to extensive "display" functions that can assist you in locating a long lost friend, or allow a long lost friend to locate YOU !!
For the latest reunion information, click HERE.
Comments?...Questions?....E-mail Dan Hess at
Please put "Toroscope-Page-Comments" in the subject line !!